
Occationally, courses are given for user of Familias, see for more up to date information. One course was held in cooperation with the English Speaking Working Group (ESWG) with the ISFG (May, 2014), this repository contains slides and information. Several courses following the initiative of the EUROFORGEN project have also been held, e.g. the train-the-trainers courses. The homepages (2013 and 2014) contain useful information to users of Familias 3.

If you have installation problems or if you have other technical problems, please contact Daniel Kling.

More complex questions and requests for consultancy work may be sent to the Familias developers, Daniel Kling, Thore Egeland or Petter Mostad.

Fileassociation: To associate files with Familias (works with version 3.1.8 and above), right click any .fam file, select "O pen with" and "Select standard program…" (or similar). Select the box "Always use this…", then select"Browse" and find the path/location to where you have installed Familias, usually somwhere in C:\Program (x86)\Familias3\. Select Familias3.exe and you are done! From now on you only have double click a .fam file and it is automatically opened in Familias!

The CAP test 2015: The case involves a calculation of monozygotic twins. We may indeed perform calculations in Familias. The following text describes one approach. Define both the children in Familias with genotype data as indicated in the exercise. Open the Blind search interface and search for Direct matches, select the scale versus siblings options and set all dropout/dropin/typing error parameters to zero. The LR should now appear comparing the hypotheses

H1: Monozygotic twins

H2: Full siblings

Well, twins may acutally be half siblings with different fathers but we assume full siblings is the alternative in this exercise. An alternative approach is two perform calculation in the regular interface of Familias by defining the same two pedigrees (works in version 3.2 and above). H1 is defined as a Direct relation between the two children.